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Virtual Reality Therapy. Anxiety treatment Hampshire.

The treatment for anxiety at the Hampshire anxiety clinic is changing.

The Hampshire anxiety clinic, now includes the latest in simulation technology,  Virtual reality therapy (VRT) for anxiety disorders, phobias and fears.

Our researched backed virtual reality therapy is a welcomed and exciting addition to our anxiety treatments in Hampshire, Chandlers Ford.

Virtual reality therapy, also known as  virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) allows you the opportunity to explore various therapeutic solutions to restore emotional wellbeing. The VR anxiety treatments contain immersive software to assist the treatment of various anxiety disorders and education of some mental health disorders.

How does virtual reality therapy work?

With the client wearing the VR headset you will be guided by Mike through graded exposure to the stimulus, to reduce or extinguish the unwanted anxiety being experienced. Exposure can be repeated to strengthen this outcome.This enriched exposure therapy allows us to work with you at the source of your distress, to increase tolerance, emotional and cognitive well being. You can face your fears, practice various conversations to help you to deal with the challenges you may be facing.

Benefits of Virtual reality therapy at the Hampshire anxiety clinic.

The benefit of virtual reality therapy, allows you the freedom to explore, reframe and reduce your anxiety, that is associated to specific triggers, in the comfort and safety of our therapy room.Our virtual reality therapy includes exposure therapy, mental health programs, public speaking environments, tools for social anxiety, assertiveness skills, claustrophobia and agoraphobia.

In addition VRT includes the practice of meditation, mindfulness and relaxation environments, where you can immerse yourself into relaxing and tranquil settings. 

To find out more or book your first Virtual reality therapy appointment please contact Mike Ward on the details at the top of this page, or please use the contacts page to email MIke directly.




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ncs mike ward