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Press Interviews

Please see below for recent interviews, articles and publications:

Huff post


Readers digest



From Press:


Net Doctor



Portsmouth News

Solent Mind Mental health. Local paper describes anxiety is on the rise in Portsmouth after the Pandemic



Huff post:

Brexit anxiety and how the  affect on mental health
COVID-19 - lockdown lifting and the anxiety of returning to the outside world
Scared of flying and the techniques to help manage anxiety when flying on an aeroplane.

Liz Earle wellbeing

An interview by Liz Earle with MIke Ward discussing anxiety and the impact with COVID19. This includes links to podcasts and interviews.

The Telegraph:

Journalist Miranda Levy interviews Mike Ward and discusses 'The anxiety generated by ‘doomscrolling.'

Glamour Magazine

Covering the affect of what brexit had on peoples mental health

Mr Porter

Anxiety and the help of your favourite TV shows

Share Lawyers

Wanting to watch your favourtite fims or television shows when you are feeling anxious? How can they help or not?



vitl london anxiety clinic


ncs mike ward