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Online Anxiety and Stress Disorder Questionnaires

To help understand more about your anxiety and the levels of  stress, anxiety or low mood you could be experiencing , we have selected specific questionnaires that provide various opportunities for you to be further informed about the  anxiety symptoms and issues you may be experiencing. This also provides us with very useful information and a deeper understanding of your stress, anxiety, levels of fear or low mood. The scoring allows further opportunity during the course of therapy to repeat the relevant questionnaires to monitor progress.

The GAD-7 measures the different levels of anxiety and the DASS21, provides a range of score relating to the three categories of stress, anxiety and depression.  The Self compassion scale provides a view of how you may respond in various every day situations. Each questionnaire that you select includes a detailed explanation on what is being measured.

By answering all the questions as accurately and honestly as possible, this will ensure that the clearest score is produced from your responses. There is a choice to respond anonymously, no personal data will be stored by our company and you can compare your score on the web page to the scales that apply to the particular questionnaire you have completed.  Selecting to respond with your initials or first name and email address, you will receive a direct email with your range of score and an explanation to your responses. 

To discuss your responses and scoring, please know that you can contact the Hampshire Anxiety Clinic for a complimentary 30 minute consultation. We can review these in detail with you and begin to explore the patterns of thought and associated symptoms you may be experiencing. Of equal importance we ensure that you are also informed on how we can help you and how our interventions are tailored to your needs. Please note these anxiety questionnaires are to inform, and not for a clinical diagnosis.

If you are concerned about your mental health and well being then please contact you GP immediately. There also a number of support lines available:

NHS Emergences for urgent help and attention. Call the emergency number of 999. An operator will answer.

For non urgent enquiries or questions regarding advice and health, the NHS out of hours service can be  called on 111.

For people that are experiencing severe distress, or suicidal thoughts, the Samaritans operate a confidential helpline 24 hours each day. They can be contacted on 08457 90 90 90.

> Take the Online Anxiety Assesment

> Take the Online Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale Questionnaire

>Take the Online Self Compassion Scale Questionnaire




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